Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Do you like coffee? I think many of you like and drink it. But I think you usually drink only drip-brew coffee. But in Italy, you may not find the drip-brew coffee because there is only espresso in Italy. Espresso is traditional Italian coffee and very important part of Italian meal. So today I picked up espresso and tell you about that!!
Espresso is very strong and heavy taste coffee. And it is really bitter! So sometimes, people drink it with sugar or milk. For example, Cappuccino, Latte and Americano are coffee drink using Espresso.
What are the differences between of drip-brew coffee and Espresso? I think both of them are totally different. First of all, Espresso uses very fine coffee beans than drip coffee. Second, Espresso is brewed by very hot water and high pressure. That's why Espresso is very strong and heavy taste. Third, the quantity of espresso is very few. People usually drink only one demitasse cup of coffee.
In Japan, you can drink Espresso very easily because one of the most famous coffee shops, starbucks coffee, has spread all over Japan. And Espresso is getting popular in Japan. In relation to such trend, Latte Art is getting popular theses days. Latte Art is very beautiful and I think that latte is not only a drink but also a real art.
If you become interested in Espresso and Latte Art, please go to cafe and try it!! In my opinion, there are many good cafes in Shimokitazawa. Thank you!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Drinking Rules

There are some rules when you drink with Koreans in Korea. When I went to drink with Korean friends they told me only this. Don't let your neighbor's glass become empty. If your neighbor's glass became empty, you must pour new alcohol. I didn't know this rule. And I thought that leaving was no good so I drunk all of alcohol. But whenever my glass became empty, my friends poured alcohol into my glass again and again. If I didn't want to drink any more, I shouldn't have let my glass became empty. Be careful overdrinking.

Our videos.


I think all of you have ever eaten pizza. But do you know the history of pizza? Do you know the varieties of pizza? Today I will tell you about that.

Pizza was firstly cooked at ancient Greek and Egypt. But the food style of pizza was established at Napoli in Italy at 17 centuries. After that, pizza spread all over the world. So there are many kind of pizza in the world. For example, Hawaiian pizza is consisting of cheese, tomato and pineapples. It is really different from Italian pizza. You know Italian pizza does not contain pineapples!!
Hawaiian Pizza
Italian Pizza

In Japan, there are a lot of pizza shops and you can eat pizza easily with many varieties of menu. Please find your favorite taste.
By the way, last time I mentioned about my favorite Italian restaurant. So I'm going to tell you about that. The restaurant is "Pitta00" in Ikspiari, Maihama. The restaurant's pasta and tiramisu are very tasty!! Please go to that restaurant!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Taiwanese sweets

I think Japanese people like Taiwanese sweets. For example, pearl milk tea, aiyu jelly, and shaved ice. Recently, Taiwanese shaved ice is getting popular in Japan. Ice which contains condensed milk is shaved.
Some topping are put on shaved ice. For example, fruits, small beans, and nata de coco. When you eat the ice, the ice will melt soon. This shaved ice is very tasty. If you want to eat, you should go to the Dragon ice. The shops are in Shibuya or Akihabara.

Why long?

I will tell you about the difference between Japanese chopstick and Korean one. First, usually Japanese chopstick is made from wood but Korean one is made from iron so Korean one is a little bit heavier than that of Japanese. Second, usually Japanese one is shorter than that of Korean. I think this is because of the difference of table manner . In Japan, It is not bad manner to hold up your bowl and touch it to your mouth, so it's no problem to be short. But in Korea, it is not good manner, so their eating utensils are usually longer than westerns' eating utensils. (For example knives and forks).

Sunday, September 7, 2008

This red means what?

Do you know kimchi chigae? It is one the most popular Korean foods. And even in Japan.
This is very spicy food. This food needs kimchi as much as other ingredients. And it also contains much kochujang(Korean popular spicy paste) and spring onion, beef, tofu, and so on. You can eat this in Japan. So if you went Korea and Japan, try to make a comparison between Korean one and Japanese one. Although I don't know which one you will like, I assure that both are delicious!!