Sunday, September 7, 2008

Taiwan food~lurou fan~

Today, I’m going to tell you about lurou fan. It’s similar to Japanese soborogohan. Thanks to Kaneshiro Takeshi and Shimura Ken who appeared the commercial, this food was known by Japanese. Minced pork is boiled salty-sweet. It’s based on soy sauce. Then the pork is put on rice. Taiwanese eat lurou fan with other foods. So, this food is usually in small rice bowl. You can eat this food Taiwanese restaurant. If you find Taiwanese restaurant, please try it. For example, there is Hige Chou lurou fan in Shibuya. The restaurant is a specialty store.

1 comment:

double.k said...

I went Hige Chou lurou fan in Shibuya few years ago!
Next I want to go to Taiwan, and eat lurou fan in there.